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8 Effective Remedies for Constipation Suggested By Ayurveda

Constipation is one of the most common health complaints, affecting all of us from time to time. This makes it best to deal with constipation using natural treatments. After all, the frequent use of pharmaceutical laxatives can give rise to other problems. Additionally, many natural remedies for constipation address the root of the problem rather than just providing quick relief. We’ll take a closer look at some of the most important of these home remedies.

8 Home Remedies for Constipation

1. Increase Fluid Intake

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation. This is why increasing fluid intake is the first constipation remedy that you should try. This will lower the risk of stools hardening, which will also ensure that they are easier to pass. Ideally, you should get most of your fluid from drinking water and consuming fresh fruits and veggies with high water content. On the other hand, consumption of packaged juices, colas, and carbonated drinks will not add to fluid intake and can even worsen the problem.

2. Get More Fiber

The importance of dietary fiber for digestive health cannot be emphasized enough. High fiber foods have long been recommended as a cure for chronic constipation in Ayurveda. This practice is now also encouraged in mainstream medicine as research shows that adequate fiber intake can ease bowel movements because of added bulk and mucilage. In addition to fiber from fresh fruits and veggies, psyllium husk supplements are an excellent choice as such non-fermentable soluble fiber is most effective at relieving constipation.

3. Try Sonamukhi Supplements

Sonamukhi is a commonly used herb in Ayurvedic medicine and is most effective when dealing with constipation. In fact, some of the most effective Ayurvedic laxatives contain sonamukhi as a primary ingredient. The herb is actually used widely for natural constipation relief and is known to much of the world as senna. The herb’s laxative properties are linked to glycosides that have a stimulating effect on bowel movements, greatly reducing gastric transit time. In addition to sonamukhi, Ayurveda also recommends other herbs like ginger, guggulu, and saunf.

4. Get More Probiotics

The consumption of probiotic foods like yogurt or dahi is most closely associated with relief from gastrointestinal problems that cause diarrhea. However, probiotics can also help treat constipation as chronic constipation is often linked to imbalances in gut bacteria. In fact, a review that appeared in Frontiers in Medicine found that the use of probiotic supplements improved stool frequency and passage within just 2 weeks.

5. Eat Some Prunes

Prunes or dried plums are widely recommended as an effective home remedy for constipation. Prunes and prune juice are actually used for this purpose across the world. This benefit isn’t linked solely to the fiber content of prunes, but to sorbitol which is a natural sugar found in prunes. This sugar alcohol is known to have laxative effect and is helpful when dealing with severe constipation as it is even more effective than psyllium husk. You can also consider consuming other dry fruits and fruits like apples, peaches, pears, and apricots for similar benefits.

6. Stay Active

Ayurveda has always stressed the importance of physical activity for every aspect of health, including healthy digestion and bowel movements. This ancient wisdom is now accepted as a fact because studies over the years have shown that sedentary lifestyles significantly increase the risk of constipation. It should be noted that exercise and activities like brisk walking can help improve digestion and lower the risk of constipation, but they are not cures for severe constipations.

7. Keep a consistent schedule

Dinacharya is another fundamental concept in Ayurveda that was long overlooked in Western medicine. Today, with growing awareness of the circadian system, researchers are beginning to recognize its value. Dinacharya is simply the observance of a disciplined daily routine, with specific optimal timings for sleep, meals, and other activities, including the passage of stools. Following a strict daily routine can help train the bowels and will lower the risk of constipation.

8. Try These Yoga Asanas

The importance of physical activity is something that we have already touched upon. However, yoga warrants a separate mention as it works as a remedy in itself as certain poses are specifically meant to relieve digestive problems like gas, bloating, constipation, and so on. Try to focus on asanas like Utkatasana, Pawanmuktasana, Marjaryasana/Bitilasana, and Ardha Matsyendrasana as these poses will massage and stimulate the abdominal organs to provide quick relief from constipation symptoms.

These Ayurvedic remedies for constipation are known to be effective, but their efficacy can vary among different individuals. Some remedies require consistent use and may be more suited to chronic constipation, while other are intended specifically for quick relief as natural laxatives. If you find no relief despite using these remedies and Ayurvedic herbal medicines for constipation consult a doctor as there may be an undiagnosed condition causing the problem.

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